this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don't warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files are best listened to with the eyes closed !
the layout is done with the internet explorer text size setting at largest and with a zoom of 125%, and my text rendering is done for these settings though they should be somewhat tolerant
of a zoom setting or two up or down
hormesis is a process where something poisonous/
mutagenic is given at an extremely low dose and has a beneficial effect, like radon in low doses is supposed to be hormetic for lung cancer !
ok, now there is a very recent
study showing that pot has a hormetic effect in doses 1 to 10 thousandth of a pot cigarette !
“ The use of THC can prevent long-term cognitive damage that results from brain injury, the researchers conclude. One explanation for this effect is pre- and post-conditioning, whereby the microdose causes minute damage to the brain to build resistance and trigger protective measures in the face of much more severe injury, explains Prof. Sarne. The low dosage of THC is crucial to initiating this process without causing too much initial damage ”
this implies it's toxic at normally used amounts or it wouldn't be hormetic ! that's the hormetic effect, it's why you get that effect which is the inherent toxicity of pot ! so I stand by my advice to limit the use of it if you are self medicating (e.g sleep problems) and if you are not, not to use it at all !
study explains a lot about the sort of health issues i have been on the edge of as i have got older : o(
has more
warner and russell
brand creating something out of nothing,
warner russell
brand creating something out of nothing,
little victories are meaningless is what i do
the deeper you look the wider the view
the deeper you look the wider the view !
the wider you look the deeper the view !
the wider you look the deeper the view
page on mercola's web site has a good interview with Natasha campbell-mcbride, I do disagree with her and mercola on the use of fermented foods, they cause more problems than they solve
even with yogurts and soft cheeses you have to be careful of what's in the biomes, but kefir being a yeast culture is a disaster area and fermented vegetables have similar issues, that is being uncontrolled biomes with more than a sprinkling of e. coli
it's instrumental with the BCD to use digestive
enzymes rather than fermented foods
btw the “body ecology diet” (bed) which is based entirely on fermented foods is totally non functional ! : o (
the more you look, the wider it becomes ! ! !
the more you look, the wider it becomes ! ?
the more you look, the wider it becomes
yeah the child looks like she was
raised on wheat flour ! I find it interesting your reply has received so many negative votes because it violates the cultural beliefs about the impact of nutrition on schizophrenia and actually autism
I wonder if she was formula fed and has a white matter shortfall in the brain?
ed. interestingly this comment never got past moderation, despite very much more abrasive comments like one suggesting euthanesia !
people can cope with the most sickening abuse, and even prefer it to anything rational that requires a very different way of thinking, but offers huge benefits : o(
yeah the child looks like she was
raised on wheat flour ! I find it interesting your reply has received so many negative votes because it violates the cultural beliefs about the impact of nutrition on schizophrenia and actually autism
I wonder if she was formula fed and has a white matter shortfall in the brain?
a zen master is one who tries to earn a living doing what he doesn't understand and where there is no living
a zen master is one who tries to earn a living doing what he doesn't understand where there is no living
a zen master is someone trying to make a living out of what they don't understand and where there's no living : o ( )
zen master:
someone trying to make a living out of what they don't understand and where there's no living : o ( )
“ women will wear their high-heeled shoes until their feet are bloody stumps ”
“ the simple shapes of stories ”
an interesting
account of his death!
interesting !
hang your balls out in the sun :o)
“ what we can say is that high added sugars caused bacteria to exit the intestines, go into the blood stream
and damage the liver ”
the brain is not a
monolithic blob/entity, but a highly structural and functionally differentiated apparatus also highly impacted by the communication wiring between the sections !
i think this sort of places limitations on pyschiatric medications since their approach is intrinsically monolithic being biochemical !
works of course, or at least can give substantive real improvement is ignored by this insane world !
what is most insane about the insane is despite all their malfunctionality they still subscribe to the normative view of the world and their disposability as failed and not the source of conciousness itself and therefore their being the entire universe !
males with the Y chromosome haplogroup I
subtype inherit directly from their fathers a 50% increased coronary heart disease risk which is massive !
the western countries with the highest
distribution of this subtype (approximately 5% in the general population) are denmark, france, iceland, italy, scotland, skye
brad warner, how can you
write effectively about god when you have these boundaries all over the place and are so avoidant of anything you don't want to deal with ?
you have talent, creativity and genuine insight but many are called......................... : o (
well maybe the degree of huntingtons you inherited from your mother is not so mild, some variations can really crimp the brain without too much showing in terms of other effects................
sometimes one fears one has got to know some
broken (0:13) toys too well ! : o ) (
sometimes one fears one has got to know some broken toys too well ! : o ) (
sometimes one fears one has got to know some
broken (0:13) toys too well ! : o ) (
religious sex scandals
humans are breeding machines that don't understand themselves and as religion amplifies that lack of understanding, what can you expect except amplified scandals
religious sex scandals
humans are breeding machines that don't understand themselves and as religion amplifies that lack of understanding, what can you expect except amplified scandals : o ) : o (
actually a lot of the new research is showing it's
structural brain issues for things like depression and epilepsy and not brain chemistry
and actually what we
do is the best thing to improve structure, or rather get the structure more functional !
the thing with old people like your's and my parents is like with john now, they just can't take on anything new, or if they do, it's traumatic
mum's broadminded with everything she agrees with !
mum's broadminded with everything she agrees with !
günter mai, 6th infantry,
recounting an incident while waiting to be flown out of the
pocket of stalingrad (14:26)
the ju 52 flew in, medical orderlies were there to carry us on board, then the following happened.
four or five high ranking officers, well fed in white fur coats, each of then carrying a submachine gun said “we have orders from the führer to leave”
the doctor on board said “this plane is for wounded personnel, we're evacuating them”
I saw them push the doctor out of the plane, he ended next to us (ed. the wounded waiting to be flown out) and they got on board and made the pilot take off without taking a single wounded man
it's true
my comment
there is no right or wrong . !
i find it interesting how the soldiers had a concept of right but there was no right or wrong in the larger context
himself !
) (
( ( ......)
these guys talk with a sense of grief for their disrupted world view ! : o ( )
you may not like facebook, but it's part of the new world : o )( ) ( ......( ) .....) (
you may not like facebook, but it's part of the new world
i haven't criticised your facebook page at all
it's very good
mine's disturbing to those who don't want to think
which is just about everybody
keeps the real trouble makers away, they can't handle it
mine's disturbing to those who don't want to think
which is just about everybody
well mistakes often lead us to being better informed which is important so it's not a mistake but the right thing
he will be like treacle, every touch is entanglement
ed. advice on the schizophrenic/autistic father of a young woman's new boyfriend !
strong gender blurring gives good brain power
like grace
slick actually : o)
strong gender blurring gives good brain power
like grace
slick actually : o)
strong gender blurring gives good brain power
“ to be a good painter you have got to be a bit stupid
“ in autism, brain regions tailored to respond to voices are poorly
connected to reward-processing circuits ”
i remember years ago at an autism tasmania meeting, a young girl looking in a cupboard and not responding to what i said or my presence !
they have
eaten afew homonids i bet, might have been a factor in driving the size of humans ! : o )(
not much body weight so prefer smaller prey
“ all cheetah alive today appear to be as closely related as identical
twins ”
it's actually abit similar to what happened to humans, at one point in our history the population dwinded to very small numbers which is why we have so many genetically based diseases, not enough diversity !
adam tebbe writes
welcome to sweeping zen – home of some pretty tough commenters at times
my reply
you mean
belly up kittens ? adam you have a major issue with the truth, let's call you a liar?
just one thing after another, and so on forever
just one thing after another, and so on forever and ever and ever and so on lol
just one thing after another, and so on, forevever : o ) : o (
sepehr g. asks
Hey, Andrew, I have a couple of questions:
1. What do you think of Dr. Mercola's health advice?
2. What do you think of Paleo diets? Do you think eating grass-fed beef with
the fat on it is useful?
3. What do you think of unrefined organic coconut oil? I think this is the best oil to cook with, but I'm interested in what you have to say.
4. What do you think of GMO foods?
5. What do you think of avoiding grains?
I think I'm going to start steaming my vegetables and going back to eating lots of grass-fed beef. I will also have to more actively avoid GMO foods. They really are bad, and all the evidence points in that direction. My head feels like it is degenerating more each time I wake up. I hate America and Monsanto.
my reply
dr. mercola is interesting , gets some things right but from a practical point of view his advice is flawed imo !
what people miss about the human ancestral diet is that we ate a lot of offal, muscle meat is just one part of the animal !
Australia and new zealand are scrapie free so we can eat good lamb brains here and I find they make a huge difference !
i'll butcher wallabies and eat their thyroids, pancreases, testicles, prostrates, thymuses, breasts, brains, intestines, liver, kidneys, adrenals, eyes, fat, meat (which is actually pretty tough!)
I don't use coconut oil because it makes me migrainy, I could look at it again, basically I use abit of water in the fry pan for cooking and don't use oils !
I would take GMO on a case by case basis, since both the scd and biofilm/microbiome carbohydrate diets proscribe grains, that eliminates a fair portion of GMO foods !
I use a pressure
cooker to cook my vegetables !
organically/free range raised chicken is ok imo, factory farmed is definitely not
same for pork !
you do need variety in the diet !
some people have problems with iron sequestration and need to limit what they eat in the way of high iron foods !
the problems with the modern diet and foods and metabolic syndrome are now world wide and even in the so called “third world”, so I wouldn't get hung up on America and monsanto though I think Australia and new zealand are more healthy places to live !
sepehr g. replies
Thanks for the advice, Andrew. Your wisdom and knowledge is much appreciated.
my reply
if your health is going, no matter what you do, everything you work at collapses so it has to be the first priority !
the brain won't work any better than the gut and diet ! : o ) (
i don't make any claims to wisdom, a little bit to knowledge, one just has to get stuck in and make changes and observe the processes so one can steer to better effects :o)
an enemy divided is best :o) (
an enemy divided is best :o)
fibromyalgia may be in part a neurodegenerative disorder, akin to gulf war
syndromes !
it's interesting that the brain is involved so much at a functional level in pain regulation/processing !
this includes migraine !
jesus christ, this piece of flawed
shit makes me gag !
$600,000 funding for a toxic mistake and the compendium and BCD languish : o (
it's a toxic biofilm
nightmare and one of the more honest photos of him i saw, he didn't look well !
arrogant and ignorant ! : o (
i went shopping saturday night as it's less viral there being hardly any people in town or in the supermarket, but am feeling abit zoned out virally today(monday) i think, one of the supermarket checkout clerks (teenager, male and fat) coughed on me and didn't like it when he asked about the large quantity of small red chilli peppers i had and i told him that they burn body fat when you use them in cooking ! : ()
they are actually making me abit underweight, but i like them for their anti-biofilm and possibly blood cell growth inhibitory effects ! : o )
the trouble adam tebbe has is he censors anything interesting ! : o(
zen is not about the creation of boundaries !
you can educate yourself on the internet way better than in a university or school !
adam tebbe, just looking at your indegogo begging
video, your thyroid looks abit enlarged, check out my
iodine page, you need to do something or life is going
to get more hellish ! : o)(
ed. he obviously reads this because he took down his very good original video and replaced it with something ratshit ! jesus christ or wayne ; o) adam, you are a cot case ! : o(
james ford roshi, he knows more
about farting than zen !
one of the reasons zen has collapsed as any sort of force (takea hint, hardly any people = hardly any money) is they have all given what limited creative attention they have to the engineering of flakey nonsense and not their health, it doesn't matter what you do, if you aren't improving your health everything goes, the ox of poor health gores you and the way zen people approach this matter, the ox only gets more vigorous !
actually it's not straightforward, i know you have back problems, iodine is a bit auto-immune exciting which could aggravate your back, really i should know better than to offer single shot health advice, it's not that simple, the whole
compendium and BCD approach are needed
just very small amounts of iodine and since it is summer in the northern hemisphere, get some midday sun on your spine and head to excite growth factors in the nerves and neurons !
you don't understand zen and you don't understand health, but i have the feeling you would make a very good accountant ! : o )
honestly you ban the only interesting writer from your site and promote the most stupid boring zen farts the worldwide spread of the internet can give, how is that going to get you the necessary numbers to be financially viable ?
you have created a version of zen that suits you, banal, boring, clichéd and's a much wider world out there but you won't let it in.......................
you seem abnormally referencing off social norms and don't allow your own natural feel for zen to assert itself...........
when i look back at my travels in zen the huge problem is the sophistication of the plagiarism machine, every now and then a “teacher” would say something that made sense, but what i realised after a while is if you looked at what they said themselves, it was crap and it's only some of the quotes they made that had the true energy, in other words they didn't have any clue and just flashed the words of people who did know like those words were their property and their claim...................
eat clean diet, she's got biofilm issues,
talks too rapidly and can't think straight !
why benedict XVI got sacked
he was too obviously gay, even for the catholic church : o ()
why benedict XVI got sacked, he was too obviously gay, even for the catholic church ! : o ()
why benedict XVI got sacked, he was too obviously gay
i have been thinking about autistic/autistic spectrum couples and i think the big problem is the “relationship” crowds the processing space
they really need substantial periods of time alone to get the development that solitude allows
it's not black and white , abit of a mix and actually the net offers many potentialities in terms of this !
ed. by “potentialities” i mean separation yet keeping in close contact
i have been thinking about autistic/autistic spectrum couples and i think the big problem is the “relationship” crowds the processing space
they really need substantial periods of time alone to get the development that solitude allows
it's not black and white , abit of a mix and actually the net offers many potentialities in terms of this !
dr. richard carrier, fascinating symmetries in the gospel of st. mark ! : o )
chimamanda ngozi adichie
adam tebbe, before you turn on me, you turn on yourself : o ( : o )
adam tebbe, before you turn on me, you turn on yourself : o (
adam tebbe, before you turn on me, you turn on yourself
brad warner asks “what is the absolute?”
(what is the absolute? (what is the absolute?............(what is the absolute?............(what is the absolute?............(...................................................................... .............................................)))))
amma's devotees are suckers,
spiritual practice is a
front for slave labour !
she has some understanding, but it's only partial !
what she spouts is toxic swill !
“ blindness of the eyes is bearable and can be managed. . . . you can still have a loving and compassionate heart. but when you are blinded by the ego, you are completely blind. . . . ”
blindness of the eyes is not bearable and the ego is abit of a nonsense concept : o ( )
amy edelstein, the first step to true wisdom is to admit to yourself that being a guru or “spiritual teacher” is synonymous with being a con artist !
it's self taught, the root guru is
yourself !
that article and you are sick with something amy, i don't know what is upstairs but it isn't just damaged, it's always walking down the wrong road, ah, schizophrenia ! : o) (
i wouldn't be surprised if you had affairs with the the dalai lama and all these vaunted tibetan rinpoches since once the wind blows the boards off all that appears is naked couplings : o) (
sex, breeding and the support of children is the underpining for all this crap and amma also may well have had affairs despite claiming to be celibate and according to local rumour was even a prostitute for a while !
well between the
lamps, UVB irridated
mushrooms and the blackmores 1000 iu capsules, vitamin D isn't short if it's
got a big fright yesterday, woke up with shooting pains in my left thumb, arthritis !
lamped it and am going to try to use my thumbs less
seems ok today, but there's a lot of issues with arthritis and thumbs from my net reading
well it's possible to have the thumb take a lot less weight if you use your hands more as paw and let the plam and fingers take most of the weight
i think this recent pain is from lifting firewood, half the weight on the thumb and half on the rest of the hand
but in fact i use my thumb too much and am trying to use the full hand more
well in fact i think if not for the lamps and irridated mushrooms and blackmores vitamin D i'd be an arthritic wreck
cuase i move quick and am quite strong and yet have small bones i think i have much more wear than normal
lack of sun makes winter show these things way more
knitting and craft work may creat future arthritis issues for women !
copper supplementation is important i find
well we are genetically desinged to have our joints fail as we age to take us out of the breeding pool imo !
you can understand something and not escape it
you can not understand something and escape it !
there is something to be said for doing : o ) (
you can understand something and not escape it
you can not understand something and escape it !
there is something to be said for doing : o ) (
you can understand something and not escape it
you can not understand something and escape it !
you can't correct people, they can only correct themselves, but never do !
you can't correct people, they can only correct themselves, but never do !
the enigma of
amma !
(read the comments !!!!)
i have noticed it in other guru's like da free john, they were never devotees themselves yet ask/asked others to devote their lives to the guru in “selfless obedience” !
amma has charisma and i have learnt that's huge danger sign, these people are very uneven and destructive ! : o ) (
while you have health the system can use you, once you get older and become a liability you are tossed out on the street with the dogs, same with scientology i notice!
can see
it is difficult to relate to people until you can see that you have made the same mistakes : o ( )...(....)
the children had more
sense than the
father ! (6:22)
two of the three children were later killed in a special forces ambush on their house !
the children had more
sense than the
father ! (6:22)
two of the three children were later killed in a special forces ambush on their house !
as the thoracic diaphragm goes down it
pushes out the rib cage which expands the lungs and draws air in !
in wallabies and possums it's such an amazing fragile looking thin plane of connective tissue, doesn't look like it could drive any mechanical process at all !
this is rather
startling news and you would think it would be plastered over the news every where, but i notice that the media is very self censoring on this subject of concussive sports injury, like let's pretend it's not happening !
“ repetitive heading sets off a cascade of responses that leads to degeneration of brain cells over time ”
though painted as a self
portrait by marie-denise villers in 1801, it is really quite surrealist conveying a sense of angst and the impost/conflict of personal and impersonal space !
mach's self portrait that douglas harding incorporated into
“the headless way
perhaps influenced by adolp menzel's partial self-portrait ?
made my hair white with worry !
so there really is a
mechanism for it, the depletion of melanocyte stem cells at the base of the hair follicle caused by excess migration to the skin of these stem cells, inducted by “ stress hormones such as adrenocorticotropic hormone and melanin-stimulating hormone ”
high homocysteine a
causative factor in schizophrenia ?
a plea
tebbe !
: o ( )
jundo, I was thinking how to explain to you that what you are
doing is a pile of crap and a waste of time and then I noticed your beautifully crafted robe which is some sort of fit into
the zen “patchwork robe” theme
now this is a simulation of the threadbare clothing of beggars, perhaps not so much now, but in earlier times, clothing was way more expensive and being well clothed was a considerable financial investment !
the point is you are wearing some poncy simulation pretending to a reality that you shy from like a horse frightened by some strange object in its path
the point is in terms of god , infinity or Buddha we are beggars, real beggars with true threadbare clothing and not some simulation to try and cover this reality !
that's why its so important not to censor like as per usual this comment will be removed from sweeping zen...........
because we are beggars and insufficient our need is complete and to see more of god/infinity/Buddha we need to be very open to what we are not, which is that real hard road of looking at what makes us feel small or insufficient and walking along it :o)
adam, do you think for once you could publish a comment you don't like or may hurt you for once ?
jundo, I was thinking how to explain to you that what you are
doing is a pile of crap and a waste of time and then I noticed your beautifully crafted robe which is some sort of fit into
the zen “patchwork robe” theme
now this is a simulation of the threadbare clothing of beggars, perhaps not so much now, but in earlier times, clothing was way more expensive and being well clothed was a considerable financial investment !
the point is you are wearing some poncy simulation pretending to a reality that you shy from like a horse frightened by some strange object in its path
the point is in terms of god , infinity or Buddha we are beggars, real beggars with true threadbare clothing and not some simulation to try and cover this reality !
that's why its so important not to censor like as per usual this comment will be removed from sweeping zen...........
because we are beggars and insufficient our need is complete and to see more of god/infinity/Buddha we need to be very open to what we are not, which is that real hard road of looking at what makes us feel small or insufficient and walking along it :o)
adam, do you think for once you could publish a comment you don't like or may hurt you for once ?
i was thinking, the way things turn out for me, if i was a judge, i'd end up in jail : o ( )
a judge,
a judge,
isn't this so true ! : o ) ( !
“ who never learns the
proper things
upon his cap the dunce bell rings
he's led by idiot's leading strings ”